Sunday, August 13, 2006

What use for a title?

If useless were a feeling than i would be that times 10.
Possibly can't do my english homework now,fricking compo that i could so easily do and i can't bring myself to do it.shit.
I keep thinking you know,what if i did this and that differently,then maybe the ending would be the one i want alot.
I wake up in the night and can i change everything,can i change people,Can i change that somone?.
oh.Fireworks were great on sat,we saw Mrs Yee and her family there,we helped to carry her kids so they could see hahas,so cute.
Did the fireworks have heart shapes in it or am i lovesick?
Came home ard 12 which was good cos i told my mom i was goin to woodlands libarary,they din tell me they planned to go to esplanade and when i met them,i asked them why the hell they were dressed so nicely and i was wearing crap.
Before that went to some dance thingy.I still don't know whyy all the gays and the dancers and the hip hoppers and the rockers come from malays.What happend to the others?

Nothing worse than somone fadding from me.:(

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