Saturday, December 18, 2010

I am that child, I am that boy, I am that man.

I was the child who was afraid of everything, Just wanting some company.
I was the child who always went out & played with all of the kids at the sandy playground.
I was the child who never asked for any toys because i knew those were not important.

I was the boy who made friends with everyone, Yet let very few in.
I was the boy who wanted to always make my parents prooud by studying hard.
I was the boy who was not interested in anyone but only in having fun.

I was the man who knew what i needed to do, Even if it meant my unhappiness.
I was the man who tried to run away but i knew that that was not right.
I was the man who is now on the right track but its looks so easy to fall off this road.
I was the man who gave you everything i wanted to but you threw everything back in my face.
I am the man that now knows what Happyness & Pain means on a different level.

I am that Child, I am that Boy, I am that man.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I think i've figured out part of what i'm good at.
Another of my off day burnt,first the rain then the screwup of plans.Guess is broke my rule of not planning anything cos it always crashes.
There are great days,good days,normal days and really bad days,and that had to be today of all days,yeah i feel really good trust me.

So counting of the night for a beautiful day-March on soldier.
Time to meet my best friend,his name is Alcohol.

Monday, November 09, 2009

I want your love as long as its free,

Another week,another off day.Quite the ironly is when you plan so many things but then end up doin nothing.So what do you do when you have to do something alone?
I swim,Exercise,Take a ride,Watch a movie,Eat.
When you feel the happiest is when the time is never enough & the time where you feel down never seems to end.

Some of the plans these few weeks,Chalets,parties,club,Cage,movies,Birthdays.
Welcome to the Christmas season,some say there's magic around.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We can dance all night or someother day.

Ah heck,since i've blogged yesterday so i might as well do it again today just for the sake of having nothing much else to do.

Today's happenings:Work till 6ish,Eventfull&Fun.But tomorrow is the actual opening,so alls well on that part.(:

Today's agenda:Wanting something so bad but you don't want yourself to have it because of "what if",Thats the happening i learnt today.
Everyone says look foreward to a new day for it holds many surprises but they forgot to mention that some of those surprises are the kind that suck.
So i leave ya off with this.

Security is a superstition,a mass delusion of society. -Hellen Keller

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What a night for a dance.

Holy cow,Welcome to 2009!
Well not much of it left,just 2 odd months before its the big 2010.

What can i say..things have become more interesting and somethings just stay the same,this year in truth has been crappy but i think its the godforsaken worst times of our lives that make the happy moments even better.

On a lighter note,its gonna be a new year soon and i smell a party or 10!,got lotsa dreams and shit for 2010 so please don't dissapoint.

Some parts of 2009 have been great,happyness is always around the corner,but most of 2009 has been a real bitch for me,some accidents,heartbreaks,mostly piercing sadness and all that,but i've emerged from it a better person(or so i think)

So with no one else reading this i wonder who will surprise me.

Friday, October 17, 2008

New Beginnings(prequel)

Ah well!,its been a few months eh?
So much has happened since the last and its all well in the past now so no use bloggin about it and all.
On holiday's now so life's good even though i'm still adapting to everchanging happenings in life.
Ooh! i got a grandtotal readership of ONE!Cheers Stephen you get to win a prize! but i don't know what it is yett;P
I'll be bloggin more next year and hopefully i'll post up more pics of my baby!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dear God.

This is a Tribute to my dear brother.

Miki(Tor.nothing) 1989-2008

Maybe i don't wanna say anything else or i can't.
Staying strong.But i feel so damn sick.