Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We can dance all night or someother day.

Ah heck,since i've blogged yesterday so i might as well do it again today just for the sake of having nothing much else to do.

Today's happenings:Work till 6ish,Eventfull&Fun.But tomorrow is the actual opening,so alls well on that part.(:

Today's agenda:Wanting something so bad but you don't want yourself to have it because of "what if",Thats the happening i learnt today.
Everyone says look foreward to a new day for it holds many surprises but they forgot to mention that some of those surprises are the kind that suck.
So i leave ya off with this.

Security is a superstition,a mass delusion of society. -Hellen Keller

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What a night for a dance.

Holy cow,Welcome to 2009!
Well not much of it left,just 2 odd months before its the big 2010.

What can i say..things have become more interesting and somethings just stay the same,this year in truth has been crappy but i think its the godforsaken worst times of our lives that make the happy moments even better.

On a lighter note,its gonna be a new year soon and i smell a party or 10!,got lotsa dreams and shit for 2010 so please don't dissapoint.

Some parts of 2009 have been great,happyness is always around the corner,but most of 2009 has been a real bitch for me,some accidents,heartbreaks,mostly piercing sadness and all that,but i've emerged from it a better person(or so i think)

So with no one else reading this i wonder who will surprise me.