Wednesday, July 19, 2006


A day ago was Ms Nelle Engs birthday,so around 1 plus she called us and you know you could see all the excitement in everyone's face when she called,all fighting for the phone there.Yea they talked for a long while from the canteen to class untill lessons after lunch started.They only thing i remember about talking to her was that i made her laugh stright away but after that i could'ent really talk cos people were like imaptient so i just gave it up to em.I was thinking in class that while everyone was literally crowding around the phone,i came out of the group and just sat on the window ledge staring at them as they sang happy birthday super loudly,also feeling sad as this person was te only one that really cared enough to do things for us,so as i was sipping my bandong and thinking they came over and crowded me again lol.
I think it would be really great in her shoes.
Thats all i wanna highlight today laa,cos skool was really vexing for me,some teachers really can bring your mood down mann.

Karate lesson tomorrow! lol!

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