Saturday, March 22, 2008

Birthday with the moon.

Ah well,so i've turned 19 in the most boring but interesting fashion.We were in the thick of duty and when my sgts found out they were like "Aiya!,Wy din you remind us!Damn sorry mann!"
They wanted to do the wole pizza and cake thingy in camp after which i would be at the mercy of the platoon! heh.
But but although it was the most uneventful birthday of my life i had time to think about things.
Today i went stright to granma's house and its was granma's curry and birthday celebration with cake'n'beer!
I thank my family for that.(:
I realized how long i haven't actually seen my family and relatives
And also that people actually forget you when you weigh that last year you got more well-wishes and this year i only got a handful.Be thankfull still eh?

So moral of the story....Enjoy what you have fellow people!
Bah enough of this sentimental shit!

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