Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Thanks for all the well wishes and help everyone

Today went skool at 10am

had some fever in the morning so decided to sleep more at home before comming to skool.
Went to skool and everybody ing the hall shouted my name;P lol was so loud!
So went to talk with mor for abit thenslowly one by one came.
So their headman had work today,nvm i'll let untill tomorrow for them to handle their inside problem,if still cannot then we'll handle it ourselves,i wont mind if i get punished for hurting one of the three people,vengence is all i ask now.

went home after skool then slept for abit cos not feeling well,then now goin police post soon with the Os to report then maybe goin to makan some food.
Got to get better tomorrow for the match against zhan hongs team,which is what we wanted to play since foreever,so i got to be well enough.Maybe to settle the hp problem with those people.
Fri's good friday,dunno what i should expect.

Maybe having no phone is quite good,like not much stress,but now i have nothing to wake me up every morning;P


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